you cannot imagine how ridiculous some passengers' demands are in the airport..
just this morning I had a rough time telling one passenger that the baggage he is carrying can NOT, by any way, be allowed to be taken on board as a hand baggage...
he give me with one ugly look and one hell of a migraine before he left my counter... because he "cannot imagine why i cannot carry this as a hand baggage..this is too fragile to be checked in.."
and this ladies and gentlemen is his famous HAND BAGGAGE to be... (if I allowed it. obviously.. I DIDN'T!)
there is no way on earth that I can allow a baggage this big to be carried on board for obvious reason that even a 3 yr old could understand, except of course MY passenger.
-unless the passenger can squeeze himself in the overhead locker and let this big box take his seat instead, i might be tempted to consider, just to let him be miserable in the entire journey time...
who ever invented the saying that "CUSTOMER is ALWAYS RIGHT " ..
need to seriously have his head be examined!
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