
Sunday, June 14, 2009


I went to the bank in Karama to collect my new ATM card. In line with the merging of Emirates Bank and National Bank of Dubai, they are replacing our old ATM cards with a new one. I took a taxi going there but only because I want to make it on time before the bank close its doors. It’s now or never again!

Since I have embarked on a saving-mode, I have decided to take the bus going back home. I was thinking that given our financial situation nowadays, riding a taxi is almost a sin and a waste of money. Why pay 15dhs (approx.3.20 USD) if you can take a bus for 2dhs only (approx. 80 cents)??

So, I went to the nearest bus station and waited for Bus no.19 to arrive, 10-minutes and I am already on board the bus. Everything could have gone well, except for a fact that it took for about 2 hours for me to reach home, and NO traffic at that! The route that Bus 19 is taking is
seemingly the longest route in the history of RTA!

The journey time was so long that I have begun to think that I took the TOUR DUBAI bus mistakenly. When I get down I felt so tired, thirsty and hungry that I head straight to the nearest grocery store. I bought Tuna, Lettuce and Ice Cream on stick to cool down my boiling temper. As soon as I am out of the store I opened my ice cream box immediately and started to munch on it. Too late! The temperature outside is 46 degrees celcius, I have eaten half of the ice cream half of it have been melted and scattered on the road leaving My trail on the way to the villa! If I am a criminal walking , I could have been caught easily because of my “ice cream traces”…

Haaaaaaayyy (again!)

When I get home, I stared at the groceries I boughtthat cost me 12.45dhs… add 2 dhs bus fair and that would make it almost 15 dhs also! A cost for a 15 minute taxi ride!

Fine! Just to make me feel better I would just think that I took taxi..with FREE tuna salad for me for Jeff and Pepe, a melted ice cream bar plus a tour to BUR DUBAI.

Should I include the severe migraine as well???

Shu hada!

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