
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

the Oh-My Josh edition..

Yesterday when I get home, I watched one of the movies that I borrowed from my friend GLO when we went out for a VAMPIRE to VAMPIRE date at 2:am a couple of days ago..

the title of the movie is WHEN IN ROME..

and maaaannn   Josh Duhamel was such an eye candy..

 Nah... this is not a "I-Checked-Him-In" kind of post  just like my notes  on  some celebs.. ( though it surely would knock my undies off if I did!)

  It's just that.. I have this nice feeling that I'm gonna MARRY him anytime SOON..  :-)

Dear Mr.  Duhamel, 

You'd better be quick, yo' know!

I'm a LIMITED EDITION, if you are not aware.

I could be taken quite fast if you are not so quick to get me... 

just a piece of advice.. ;-)


(DISCLAIMER: this site does not claim any credit for the pictures posted above)

Monday, November 22, 2010


credit for this image goes to GRAPHIC LEFTOVERS
When I started this blog site.. I promised to my self that no matter  how  hard life could be treating me, I will try my very best to put positivity in anything that I would ever write.While it may be true that not everything that we read may NOT be as exciting as it seems.. I always try my best to be true to myself and of what I think and feel as I write about a certain issues.

As important as writing  to me is reading as well, because I always believe that for a person to be able to write anything, he should learn how to READ first. I am one of GOOGLE's die hard fan. My favorite daily reads are funny quotes, silly anecdotes and love sayings (yeah, as cheesy as it may sound but I do like it so don't judge!). Somehow, those quotations really hits home and if it does, you would realized that who ever wrote this, he/she might have shared the same feeling at one point in her life. These silly quotes doesn't only makes me feel good, it also makes me realize that I am still.... NORMAL.. ;-)

  • I cannot make you feel special, I can only remind you that you are special.
  • Sometimes when you care about someone, honesty isn't necessarily the best policy.
  • The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between.
  • Nobody really knows how much anyone else is hurting. We could be standing next to someone who is completely broken & we'd never know it.
  • POSITIVE thinking is not about EXPECTING the best to happen..It is about ACCEPTING that whatever will happen is the best. 
  • Your eyes see only what is in front of you, but your heart sees everything else.
  • Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground
  • People who have a good sense of humor, have a better sense of life!
  • You never really live until you find someone worth dying for.
  • An EX is called and EX becauseIt is an EXample of what You shouldn't have again in the future. 
  • If the door is open: Walk through it; If the door isn't: Cut a hole and continue. 
  • Instead of thinking about what you're missing, try thinking about what you have that everyone else is missing.
  • Live simply, think quickly, work diligently, fight fairly, give generously, laugh loudly and love deeply!
  • One of the simplest ways to stay happy.. Just let go of the things that makes you sad!
  • You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated.
  • If someone was stupid enough to walk away from you, be smart enough to let them go.
  • Hugs are the best gifts ever: They come in all sizes, fits everyone, and nobody will mind if you want to return it. :)  
  • If you know what hurts yourself, you know what hurts others.
  • Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes; and adversity is not without comforts and hopes.  
  • I'd rather be alone for the right reasons, than be in a relationship with someone for the wrong reasons 
  • Being true to yourself is better than being a liar just to impress everyone!
  • Kindness is the language, which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.  
  • A friend's love says "If you need anything, I'll be there."True love says "You'll never need anything, because I'll be there."
  • When someone is so sweet to you, don't expect that they will be like that all the time because even the sweetest chocolate expires!
  • The good life only starts when you stop wanting a better one. 
  • Never feel you need to lower your expectations just because other people can't meet them!  
  • You can live without the person who says YOU ARE MINE, but you can never live without someone who says I AM YOURS. 
  • A foolish man will tell a woman to shut up...A wise man will tell a woman she is beautiful with her lips closed 
  • Chase nothing but your dreams and let everything else chase you.
  • No one ever gets tired of loving. But everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, hearing promises, saying sorry, and hurting all the time.
  • Falling in love is like the rain. It's unpredictable. But there are always signs before it completely falls.  
  • We all make mistakes, some big, some small, but the person who loves you, will forgive them all. 
  • Sometimes I wonder if you look at my face book profile, like I look at yours. :) 
  • It takes a strong person to say sorry, and an ever stronger person to forgive
  • I never asked for someone who could offer me the stars in the night. Just someone to lay down and watch them with is enough.
  • There's only one thing I regret doing..loving the girl who didn't love me, and forgetting the one who did.
  • I'm a limited edition, so you better get me before I'm gone ;0
  • There are plenty of times I want to walk away from you, but I don't because I know you won't come after me.
  • Shoot for the moon, because even if you miss you'll still end up amongst the star
  • You have enemies? Good. That means you stood up for something sometime in your life.
  • Don't think that the ability to be able to hold in your feelings makes you strong, being able to let them out is what's harder
  •  Life doesn't get easier, you just get stronger.
  • Man says to woman: "If you were my wife, I'd poison your drink"...woman says to man: "If you were my husband, I'd drink it. 
  • Life is too short to stress yourself with people who don't even deserve to be an issue in your life.
  • Friendship isn't about whom you have known the longest.. It's about who came, and never left your side.  
  • Two Friends are like hands, one of which washes the other
  • Sometimes, there are no words; only shoulders to lean on, hands to hold onto, and hugs to comfort you as best they can. 
  • Don't give up if you took a step backward, remember that the arrow needs to be drawn back to move fast ahead.  
  • Man says to woman: "If you were my wife, I'd poison your drink"...woman says to man: "If you were my husband, I'd drink it!".  
  • Life is like a photograph; we use the negatives to develop.  
  • The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least. 
  •  I wish heartbreak was as painless as getting a haircut. You don't feel a thing, but when it's over, IT'S A NEW YOU.   
  • Life is like an hourglass. sooner or later, everything hits the bottom. U just have to be patient & wait for someone to turn it around.  
  • Find a heart that loves you at your worst, and arms that will hold you at your weakest.
  • Decisions are the hardest to make especially when its a choice between where you should be and where you want to be. 
  • When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something else. 
  • Be like a bee: anything he eats is clean, anything he drops is sweet and any branch he sits upon doesn't break!   
  • Sometimes the best part of a relationship starts when it actually ends.  
  • Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.  
  • Life is like a role of toilet paper; hopefully long and useful; but it always ends at the wrong moment.  
  • The world can't end in 2012, I have a yogurt that expires in 2013.
  • Sometimes when I say "I'm OK" I just want some one to look me in the eyes, hug me tight, and say, "I know you're not."  
  • Is that your ex?" "No, that's the biggest mistake of my life. 
  • When life throws shoes at you.. at least pick through the best ones and try them on for size. 
  • They say love is around every corner. I must be walking in circles. 
  • If it's true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are others here for? 
  • Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there is footprints on the moon!  
  • They say: not all singles are available. How about: not all taken are in love? 
  • SINGLE is NOT a status. It's a word that best describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. 
  • Falling in love is like letting a man put a gun at your heart and trusting him never to pull the trigger.
  •  It takes a lot to be my "once upon a time" but it takes even more if you want to be my "happily ever after"  
  • My mother told me not to talk to strangers I don't talk to myself anymore.  
  • Choose your battles wisely as everything isn't worth fighting for; somethings & even some people you just have to let go of.   

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I have had a surprised visitors tonight.. Well it wasn't really a surprise.. they informed me they were coming to the house in 15 minutes..

(at least they had the decency to let me know about their arrival right?.. probably they realized that they don't have the key to enter our flat so they don't have much choice but to let me know they are coming.. NOTE: when they said they are coming, it was a statement, never a permission, hahahahaah ) :-)

What can you expect from Reich and YUJIN ? They are two of the most spontaneous people I ever had the misfortune of knowing! hahahaha joke!

I haven't get the chance to bond with these two, as often as we had been doing before because of our conflicting schedules and various reasons. My Vampire existence (working in the evening, sleeping in daytime) made it impossible for me to meet them even in my day off. We have been very occupied with our own troubles and we have been nursing ourselves separately for quite some time.

So when I saw them both at our doorstep, I know in an instant that it is going to be more than just a simple chit chat, it will be a fellowship of a 3 LOST SOULS..

Its time to uncork the bottle in my imaginary cellar, a gift given to me one of my passengers who had an excess baggage.

I refused to take it because its not ethical to take anything from a passenger but the passenger said " It's your BIRTHDAY today! Happy Birthday!."  well..... the customer is always right, RIGHT? so who am I to argue?

 So now my "birthday present" was there in front of us.. saying hello to one of the best conversation IT would ever hear while its liquid is being emptied and the left over chips, mushrooms in butter and garlic and some olives are slowly vanishing in its designated plates.

We gossip about other peoples lives to our hearts content (its just a harmless chat and no one was lambasted on our private talk , OK...I LIED, there was one we have lambasted and HE rightfully deserves so!)

WE laugh our lungs out while watching the "PINOY HENYO of EAT BULAGA" and tried to catch up on some other things we have missed sharing with each other.

"No matter what.. Lets celebrate LIFE!" -- YUJIN
And above all were so happy gurgling the sparkling "champagne", thinking how lucky we were sipping a drink that only the riches can buy. Just because it has a name we cant pronounced and a  taste that seemed so "so sosyal" made it look so damn expensive!

Only to know later on that it only cost 10USD, (thanks to GOOGLE)  Yujin  even said, "that was its price in 2005, so now maybe its.... 15USD??? (hahahahahahah!). That was the biggest boo boo that I had in months.

We people often take things in its face value, not realizing it's real worth. There are so many things in life the we often take for granted. It doesn't really cost much to have a good laugh, too have good friends, to have good conversation, to get experience, to discover new things, to cry hard and be renewed after.

They said the best things in life are even FREE

Just like the bottle of "CHAMPAGNE" we had... It may be cheap... oh no... extraordinarily inexpensive (now YUJIN will like the term and BOY ABUNDA might like it also, but i'm sure MIRIAM DEFENSOR has a better word for it, but whatever it is.. I wouldn't dare ask as I will never understand it anyway )  and even FREE, but its the BEST  I ever ever had.

 P.S... that is the only "champagne" I ever ever had.... Cheers!

Friday, November 19, 2010

the logo...

so much talk about the new logo of the Philippine Tourism...

haaay naku... puro na lang debate..

 o cge ako na lang...

o di ba?

ako na ang maganda!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

the Photographer..

Today.. I had the privilege of checking-in one of the best Photographer of all time. Mr. Jacques Robert, in our Air France flight.

He was kind enough to give me one of his photos, taken during Chanel Fashion Show in 2009.

(I hope I could have given more justice to these photo, ironically I don't have a decent camera)

Mr. Jacques Robert

Merci, Monsieur Robert Jacques. Il fut un honneur de vous avoir rencontrĆ©. J'espĆØre que nous allons nous revoir.

An since you are good friend to Mr. Karl Lagerfeld, can you ask him to give me a Chanel Original?
Ehehehehe...    une faveur qui, si elle est accordĆ©e, sera Ć  jamais cherised


I just receive an email from my cousin Dianne.

It is really too hilarious not to be shared.

At this point in time.. God knows I really need to have a good laugh..

Let me share this too you...


My Resimay:

To hoom it Mae cunsern,

I waunt to apply for the job what I saw

in the paper.

I kin Type realee qwik wit one finggar and 

do sum a counting.

I think I am good on the fone and 

I no I am a pepole person.

I no my spelling is not two good.

My salerery is open, I kin start emeditely.

Thank yoo in advanse fore yore anser.



PS : Because my resimay is a bit short. 

        I sent a pickture of me.



Employer's response:      

Dear Tiffany,

It's OK honey, 
we've got spell check.

See you Monday.


I know its really mababaw...

the simplest coping mechanism  sometimes is to just put a smile on your face in the midst of  life's turbulence....

It may not solve  problem that easily but somehow, it makes life PUNCHES a little bit bearable.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

the Nay Dionisia Series....

Since it is Pacquiao Day today: Let me just indulge ourselves with a good laugh. 
I swear I'll never get enough of Nay Dionisia Jokes. Here's what can make me roll out of laughter anytime of the day: 

Gotta love her! Gotta love her!

Genie: Bibigyan kita ng isang kahilingan.
Aling Dionisia: Talaga?…gusto ko gumanda!
Genie: Buksan mo ang bote.
Aling Dionisia: At gaganda na ako?
Genie: Hindi. Babalik na lang ako.

Pacman: Sabi ng titser ko, bakit daw ang eggplant walang egg?
Aling Dionisia: Sabihon mo sa titser mo, na pag me egg yun, turta na yan, TURTA!

Reporter: Nguang nanalo ka Manny, anong pasalubong mo kay Jinkee?
Manny: Ibon syempre. Mahilig sya dun e.
Reporter: Ibon? Anong klaseng ibon?
Manny: Yung mga lipstek, pangmik up ba? Basta mga Ibon products! Yo know…

Dionesia: Doc gusto ko magpalagay ng breast.
Doctor (gulat) magpapasexsi ka na?
Dionesia: Breast sa ngipen ba. Para umayos yun ngepen ko! Deba uso yon?

Aling Dionisia: Inday, akina nga yung seeds ko.
Inday: Bakit po magtatanim po ba kayo?
Aling Dionisia: Anung magtatanim sinasabi mo? Nasisilaw ang mata ko kaya kailangan ko yung seeds.

Pacquiao: Honey, buksan mo na yung sweets.
Jinky : Lambing mo talaga. mwah !! Nasan ang sweets honey?
Pacquiao: Yung sweets ng ilaw. di ako makakita… ang dilim!!

Sa isang Birthday Party
Aling Dionisia: Blue!!! Blue the Kick!!!!

you iS!’
‘you is!’
‘you is!’
-siGaw ni aLing dionisia pgdating sa Amerika. Andito na aq sa ‘you is!’

Sa isang sosyalerang salon:

Gretchen: "I want my hair dyed jet black, cut it short and then treat it with lots of keratin extracts."
Aling Dionisia: "I want my hair dyed gold, curl it to the fullest level then implant one diamond at the tip of every strand.:

Taob ang La Greta!

“Ang ganda ng bigas!” Iyan ang sabi ni Mommy Dionisia pagkagaling ng Las Vegas, Nevada.

Foreign Reporter: “Do you have freedom of speech in Mindanao, Congressman Pacquiao?”
Manny: “Yes, we are free to spit here, there and enywhere.”

Congressman Manny (as he addresses fellow freshman congressmen in a pre-session caucus): “My Dear Colleges . . .”
Another congressman (whispers to Manny): “Bai, hindi ‘college’ it’s ‘colleague’ . . .”
Congressman Manny (correcting himself): “Colleague, singular, Colleges, plural.”
Pacquiao: Wala, talo ka na kahit anung gawin mo..
Hatton: Pagandahan na lang tayo ng nanay!
Pacquiao: Ah! Wala namang ganyanan. I mean you know…

 MODERN VERSION OF A "chain letter":

“Si Pacquiao ay magiting na mandirigma. Send this to 50 people or magiging kamukha mo si Aling Dionesia…

BABALA : Madami and dumedma dito at ......nagsisi.”

DISCLAIMER: this site doesn't claim any credits for the pictures posted. This POST is NOT intended  to hurt anyone but to bring joys and laughter for those who needs smiles to take away the pains in their hearts amidst this difficult times.

the Eskenejens....

In another 2 hours of so, if I am not mistaken, another Pacquiao fight will start.

Zero crime rate in the Philippines.

High rate of sick leaves (charroz!) and late reporting at work.

The whole world stops as the congress and the senate are both on recess watching the match.

At the end of the day it's gonna be a big honor for the Philippines Win or Lose; more Birkin and Chanel for Jinkee and a pair of new skinny Jeans for Nay Dionisa.. ehehehe...

Gooo Manny!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

the T-SHIRT.. with TOM CRUISE on the side.... :-)

Saw this picture of TOM CRUISE in my cousin Alan's FB post.

Can't resist posting this one...

A picture shot in Dubai during his filming for MI4..

As fascinating as Tom Cruise is the sight of the Philippines... just right beside him!
Ayun ohhhh....the one wearing the shirt is not even a Filipino! (or is he??)


Thursday, November 11, 2010

the Piece of Heaven on Earth..

Everytime one of my colleagues go to their own countries for a quick visit, I always asked them to bring me their local sweets as their PASALUBONG to me... =) 

Some of them really finds it amusing that I would request for  sweets rather than something tangible as a souvenir.  Let's put it this way, i just want to have a piece of heaven in every part of the world and what could be the best way of indulging yourself on this whim but to feed your "sweet tooth's" desires... here are some of my favorites:

Persian/Iranian cream-filled pastry

Egyptian Basboussa from Noufi

Of course UAE's Fresh Bakalava- melts in the mouth. I read an article before that these are one of Ruffa G.'s fave desserts

Qatar's Chocolate Covered- HAZEL NUT from Nouf... she always gives me a bag of these everytime she goes to Doha...

Bharti introduce this to me and it was a love at first bite! India's Kalju kalti

Oman's Version of our BUKAYO.. hehehehe from AHMAD

Omani's Traditional Halwa... taste like Philippines' KALAMAY.. ehehehee..but with a KICK!

And of course, who would ever leave these UAE's PATCHI chocolates??? Kris Aquino likes these a lot..

Hey guys....
any one of you going to JAPAN??

can you please get me one of these..




the Random Things..

Got a lot of cleaning up to do...
I have some  pics taken at random that I never got the chance to post. Taken on different times.  Just for the heck of it...

a night with the BROTHERS...        

Munching on these while reading DUTY FREE's monthly Magazine and "killing time" at the Transfer Desk for Virgin Atlantic..


EMPTY  Murraqabat Road during RAMADAN in ... Note: this was taken at around 5pm!

This particular Metro Station is my friend Eugene's (and eventually mine too!) favorite station in Dubai. I want to call it Jelly Fish station, the chandeliers here looks like one. Inspired by the UNDER WATER theme.

All time favorite in McDO.. used to munch on these while Eugene and I are exchanging funny tweets and hilarious Facebook SHOUT OUTs in Al Rigga St. 1:00am on OFF days..

Saturday, November 6, 2010

the Al Ain get-away...

Last May, i got my 15-day local leave.

My dearest friend Mela, invited me to spend a week atleast of my vacation to her house in Al Ain..

It was such a nice offer to pass, so albeit the flu, to Al Ain I went...!

Al Ain is a city with in Abu Dhabi, 4th largest city in the UAE. Al Ain, literally means The Spring, a.k.a the Garden City, because of its greenery. It is the first city, apart from Dubai, to which I have been to during my first few days in the UAE, where we watched the AIR SHOW. Then starts my love-affair with the city.

Away from the noise of the BIG CITIES, Al Ain's easy life style is a welcome change. There is something "innocent" about its ambiance, something unspoiled by the dreading backlash of he so-called modernization.

AL AIN's version of the Clock Tower

This is where I stayed, Mela's precious home in Al Ain.

She lives here all by herself.

(i forgot to take photos of her nice kitchen and immaculately clean bathroom! ;-( , being the O.C that she is, you can practically sleep at the bathroom floor.. ahihihih..)

This is ..errr.. uhmm.. Nursery Room.. err I mean.. her bedroom! The candy colored, winnie d poo/mickey mouse/strawberry shortcake decorated room.

The view from the balcony... the flat is with in the compound of Tawam Hospital, where she works as Dental Nurse..

My gracious and ever so generous host.. eheheh.. (taken in one of her O.C moments! wants everything in her house to be color-coordinated! ) tsk... tsk.. tsk..

Mela's Tatay, Mela, Me and dear friends during our last visit in Al Ain.

On my way there I was thinking I could take the vacation to detoxify my self physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know in the last 3 goals I really succeeded.

But, seriously.. Physically?? yeah right.. I ended up detoxifying her Refrigerator! As I cant really bear the thought of throwing food, I ended up eating all of what's in it.

-She loves pasta, pizza and hotdogs.... and so do I :-) , so since she has a habit of ordering a lot when we eat out, all our left overs will definitely mine to finish.

- she strictly follows expiration dates... bread expiring in 2 days.. needs to be thrown. so instead of dieting, I ended up eating all of it before she gets the chance of throwing it. If carbo loading could kill easily, i have already died in minutes!

To my ever dearest Mela,

I know this post is already 6 months overdue, I believe its never too late to send you my love and my gratitude for everything that you have done for me..

Though we seldom chat, we seldom see each other these days, we both know we love each other very much! The time I stayed in your home was one of the best EVER, that I had in years.

I went back to Dubai, so much at peace and relaxed, so much happier and....... 5pounds heavier!

eheheh.. Oh how-i mich-u-tow...!

Love ya!

MARS ;-)