Last May, i got my 15-day local leave.
My dearest friend Mela, invited me to spend a week atleast of my vacation to her house in Al Ain..
It was such a nice offer to pass, so albeit the flu, to Al Ain I went...!
Al Ain is a city with in Abu Dhabi, 4th largest city in the UAE. Al Ain, literally means The Spring, a.k.a the Garden City, because of its greenery. It is the first city, apart from Dubai, to which I have been to during my first few days in the UAE, where we watched the AIR SHOW. Then starts my love-affair with the city.
Away from the noise of the BIG CITIES, Al Ain's easy life style is a welcome change. There is something "innocent" about its ambiance, something unspoiled by the dreading backlash of he so-called modernization.
AL AIN's version of the Clock Tower
This is where I stayed, Mela's precious home in Al Ain.
She lives here all by herself.
(i forgot to take photos of her nice kitchen and immaculately clean bathroom! ;-( , being the O.C that she is, you can practically sleep at the bathroom floor.. ahihihih..)
This is ..errr.. uhmm.. Nursery Room.. err I mean.. her bedroom! The candy colored, winnie d poo/mickey mouse/strawberry shortcake decorated room.
The view from the balcony... the flat is with in the compound of Tawam Hospital, where she works as Dental Nurse..
My gracious and ever so generous host.. eheheh.. (taken in one of her O.C moments! wants everything in her house to be color-coordinated! ) tsk... tsk.. tsk..
Mela's Tatay, Mela, Me and dear friends during our last visit in Al Ain.
On my way there I was thinking I could take the vacation to detoxify my self physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I know in the last 3 goals I really succeeded.
But, seriously.. Physically?? yeah right.. I ended up detoxifying her Refrigerator! As I cant really bear the thought of throwing food, I ended up eating all of what's in it.
-She loves pasta, pizza and hotdogs.... and so do I :-) , so since she has a habit of ordering a lot when we eat out, all our left overs will definitely mine to finish.
- she strictly follows expiration dates... bread expiring in 2 days.. needs to be thrown. so instead of dieting, I ended up eating all of it before she gets the chance of throwing it. If carbo loading could kill easily, i have already died in minutes!
To my ever dearest Mela,
I know this post is already 6 months overdue, I believe its never too late to send you my love and my gratitude for everything that you have done for me..
Though we seldom chat, we seldom see each other these days, we both know we love each other very much! The time I stayed in your home was one of the best EVER, that I had in years.
I went back to Dubai, so much at peace and relaxed, so much happier and....... 5pounds heavier!
eheheh.. Oh how-i mich-u-tow...!
Love ya!
MARS ;-)